August 16, 2021
Brand New Monthly Offerings!!!
As we have met all of you in the past month, we have been listening to things you want from us. Since building into our westside community is one of our biggest goals, we could not be any more pumped to offer you two new ways to strengthen those community ties.
Parent’s Night Out! - September 10 5:00-9:00pm
Leave the kids with us and go have a night on the town with your other half! We will provide dinner, hours of play, a movie, and so much more. It only costs $40/child and siblings only pay $35 each! They won’t want to leave and then they will immediately fall asleep in the car. Is there anything better than that? Can’t make this one? Save the Date! We will offer one every month.
Upcoming dates include October 8, November 12, and December 10 (did someone say Christmas shopping??).
(Children must be reliably potty trained to take part in this event.)
Mom’s Night Out!- September 15 6:00-8:00pm
If you’re like most moms, you crave adult conversation and time to just be yourself. That’s what Mom’s night out is all about. For our inaugural outing, we will be painting a clay stemless wine glass with Art on Fire, which will then get fired for you to pick up at a later date. Dinner is included and you can BYOB. Tell all your friends to meet you there, or sign up alone and make new friends when you get here! Getting to know your neighbors in a lowkey setting is what building a strong community is all about.
Busy that night or just not into painting? We will have different offerings every month!
Mark your calendars for October 20, November 17, and December 15 because we have some awesome stuff in the works like game nights, cookie decorating, sign making, chocolate dipping, and so much more!